You are currently viewing #167: P2 – How to Market Your Business Using Organic Social Media

#167: P2 – How to Market Your Business Using Organic Social Media

Billie Asmus, inventor of the Repaint Tray, is back to share with us in Part 2 of this series how she is leveraging organic social media to grow exposure and sell her product. We discuss knowing when it’s time to hire help, utilizing influencers for content exposure, and just being willing to ask people to share your content. If you want to know how to leverage social media, with a degree in marketing and communications, this entrepreneur knows where to start. 


Insights on Leveraging Organic Social Media to Market Your Business

Business Talk Sister Gawk continues its series on marketing businesses using organic social media. This episode features Billie Asmus, the creator of The Repaint Tray, who shares insights on effectively delegating tasks and managing a growing business through strategic hiring and collaboration.


Meet Billie Asmus and The Repaint Tray

Billie Asmus, the creator of The Repaint Tray, focuses on producing reusable and eco-friendly painting supplies. Since its launch on February 1, 2024, The Repaint Tray has relied solely on organic marketing through social media platforms.


The Turning Point: Realizing the Need for Help

As the launch approached, the volume of inquiries and engagement on The Repaint Tray’s social media channels surged. By January, just before the official launch, it became evident that managing the influx alone was unfeasible. The need for additional support became clear as questions and collaboration requests poured in from various platforms.


Hiring the First Part-Time Assistant

Billie Asmus decided to hire a part-time assistant to help with content ideation. This social media assistant primarily helps with video editing and creating graphic posts. They have weekly meetings focused on discussing trending audio, templates on CapCut, other social media trends, brainstorming and planning. While Billie handles most filming and video creation, the assistant supports editing and creating graphic content for social media channels.


The Importance of Staying Consistent

Maintaining a consistent presence on social media is crucial, especially when launching a business. Managing content creation and social media engagement quickly became a full-time job. As a business owner, being the face of the brand is essential to building trust and authenticity.


Differentiating Roles: Executive Assistant vs. Social Media Manager

The executive assistant primarily handles organization and customer service, managing schedules, emails, and calendars. In contrast, a social media manager focuses on managing social media platforms, posting content, responding to comments, analyzing engagement data, and adjusting strategies based on analytics. While there is some overlap, each role has distinct expertise and focus.


Strategic Content Development

Billie Asmus handles research and development based on customer feedback, exploring new product ideas requested by artists, hobbyists, and contractors. This feedback-driven approach helps prioritize product development efforts.

Content Planning and Adaptability

A structured content plan aims for at least three videos and two static posts per week. However, flexibility is essential as trends and viral content may require quick shifts in strategy. A backup list of content ensures readiness for emergencies or last-minute changes.


Importance of Professional Photography

Regular updates of professional photos and videos are crucial, especially for product-based businesses. Quarterly updates for product-specific content and biannual updates for headshots are recommended. Being prepared to seize unexpected opportunities for new content can be beneficial.


Leveraging Social Media Resources

Several resources and platforms assist Billie in creating and managing content. These are two examples:

1. The Product Boss: Offers a podcast and a comprehensive content calendar for product-based businesses, providing content ideas to keep social media fresh.
2. Michelle Gifford: Known for expertise in Instagram algorithms, providing resources on trending audios and effective hooks for engaging content.


Stay connected with Repaint Studios:
– Website:
– Instagram: repaint_tray
– TikTok: The Repaint Lady

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You can also check Part 1 of “How to Market Your Business Using Organic Social Media” with the talented Billie Asmus.