You are currently viewing #156: P2 How to Set Annual Goals for Your Business

#156: P2 How to Set Annual Goals for Your Business


This is part 2 in the series on goal setting. You’re not going to want to miss this! This episode covers how to set your goals to be specific. Consider these tips whenever you set yourself a sales goal for your business. Learn how to get tactical with examples of goals. These are goals you can really hold yourself accountable for. They will push both yourself and your business forward. Listen now!


A Deep Dive into Questions and Examples

This episode is a continuation of our series on “How to Set Annual Goals for Your Business.” If you missed the first episode, be sure to check it out for valuable insights.

In this episode, we’ll explore crucial questions to ask yourself and delve into examples of goals to guide your business planning.

Key Questions for Goal Setting:

1. Mentorship:

  • Question: Is there anyone you need to be mentoring right now?
  • Insight: Investing in others and your community can bring long-term satisfaction. Consider mentoring a younger entrepreneur or getting involved in community activities.

2. Vacation Planning:

  • Question: Do you want a vacation this year? When will it be? How long?
  • Insight: Schedule vacations early in your planning process. Block out time in your calendar and budget for it to avoid burnout.

3. Debt Management:

  • Question: Do you have a goal to pay off debt? If yes, how much?
  • Insight: Set clear debt reduction goals and plan strategically. Be proactive in managing financial aspects to ensure business success.

4. Skill Improvement:

  • Question: What is one skill you want to improve this year in your business?
  • Insight: Identify areas for growth, seek local resources, and explore grant opportunities for technical skill development.

5. SWOT Analysis:

  • Question: Are there any areas of weakness foreseeing issues for your business?
  • Insight: Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to manage blind spots and turn weaknesses into goals.

6. Company Culture:

  • Question: What does your company culture look like?
  • Insight: Evaluate your business’s culture and relationships, especially in family-run businesses. Ensure a positive and supportive environment.

7. Economic Preparedness:

  • Question: What, as a threat, could affect your business in the economy?
  • Insight: Anticipate economic changes, diversify your business, and leverage different areas to mitigate risks.

8. Customer Analysis:

  • Question: Have my customers changed?
  • Insight: Stay updated on customer needs, preferences, and technological shifts. Adapt your business to stay relevant in the market.

9. Process Documentation:

  • Question: What processes do I need to document this year?
  • Insight: Document key processes annually to facilitate delegation and streamline operations.

10. Personal Goals:

  • Question: What personal goals do I have for hobbies, exercise, and healthy meals?
  • Insight: Balance personal and professional aspects, ensuring overall well-being.

Examples of SMART Goals:

  • Vacation Goal: “In the next year, I will go on a one week long vacation and not stress about work while I am there.”
  • Exercise Goal: “In the next year, I will exercise two to three times a week.”
  • Business Blogging Goal: “In the coming year, I will write 24 blogs for my website.”
  • Marketing Material Goal: “I will create a brand manual with two color tones and develop consistent marketing material.”
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment: “I will attend eight trade shows in the coming year and create a list of leads to contact every month.”


In summary, effective goal setting involves asking pertinent questions, identifying patterns, and crafting SMART goals. Post your goals visibly, review them regularly, and be flexible in adjusting them as needed.

If you found this episode helpful, please leave a review wherever you’re listening, or you can dive even deeper when checking our other podcasts related to this topic: “The lessons I’ve learned in business”. Or you could even jump into the series 1 through 5 of “How to make an Impact Entrepreneur Style.”

If you’re looking for your own copy of the goal planning worksheet mentioned in the podcast, check it out here: